Deep Cut is entering a new era! We are now aiming to release new episodes every fortnight, so you can look forward to a more consistent release schedule and more regular content from us. We've loved recording this podcast for our loyal listeners and we'd like to keep it going and hopefully reach out to a bevy of new listeners. 

With this new phase of Deep Cut, we thought we'd recommend some other film podcasts that are a little undersung or lesser known: our Deep Cut Picks for film podcasts! The big film podcasts, like Blank Check, The Big Picture, Unspooled, and Cinema of Meaning, are all pretty well known. If you’re a film enthusiast looking for alternate perspectives and voices to dive deeper into the world of cinema, these lesser-known podcasts offer in-depth discussions, a treasure trove of cinematic knowledge, and film recommendations off the beaten track. Here are 10 film podcasts that we think deserve a spot in your listening rotation:

1. The Important Cinema Club

Hosts Justin Decloux and Will Sloan explore the vast world of cinema, from highbrow to lowbrow, with a focus on lesser-known films. Their insightful and often humorous discussions make this podcast a must-listen for cinephiles seeking to expand their horizons. 

2. The Projection Booth

Mike White’s The Projection Booth covers a wide range of films, from cult classics to obscure gems. With detailed analysis and interviews with filmmakers, this podcast offers a comprehensive look at the movies that often fly under the radar.

3. Pure Cinema Podcast

Elric Kane and Brian Saur host this podcast, which focuses on film recommendations and deep dives into various genres and themes. Their passion for cinema shines through in every episode, making it a great resource for discovering new films.

4. Film Comment

Brought to you by the Film Society of Lincoln Center, Film Comment offers in-depth discussions on contemporary and classic cinema. With contributions from renowned critics and filmmakers, this podcast provides a rich and varied perspective on the art of film.

5. Bright Wall/Dark Room

This podcast is an extension of the online magazine of the same name, known for its personal and introspective essays on film. The podcast continues this tradition, offering deep and often emotional explorations of movies with hosts Veronica Fitzpatrick and Chad Perman.

6. The Next Picture Show

A weekly roundtable podcast that pairs a classic film with a contemporary release, The Next Picture Show offers insightful comparisons and discussions. We love the format that allows you to look at a contemporary release and see how it might have been influenced from what has come before, or maybe was already done better. The podcast is hosted by the former editorial team of The Dissolve (RIP) – Genevieve Koski, Keith Phipps, Tasha Robinson and Scott Tobias. Their deep knowledge and passion for cinema make each episode a fascinating listen.

7. Deep Cut: A Film Podcast

For a different format of film pairing, you can check out our very own: Deep Cut! We offer in-depth discussions on a wide range of films, from mainstream hits to obscure indies, and we’ll cover the films no other podcast might! We are also huge proponents of diversity, aiming to cover filmmakers from various backgrounds and nationalities that veer away from the established cinematic canons. We have a huge passion for cinema and we bring thoughtful analyses and our friendly banter to help anyone looking to deepen their appreciation of film.

8. Wiseman Podcast

We’ve covered a small slice of Frederick Wiseman’s films on Deep Cut, but if you want to dive deeper, check out the Wiseman Podcast that is dedicated to the works of the legendary documentary filmmaker. The hosts delve into his entire extensive filmography and provide detailed analyses and discussions. An exhaustive and valuable resource for absolute stans of the most prolific American storyteller. 

9. Mubi Podcast

Produced by the streaming service Mubi, this podcast features interviews with filmmakers, critics, and scholars. It offers a behind-the-scenes look at the world of cinema, with a focus on independent and international films.

10. The Rewind Movie Podcast

Former film school friends Gali, Devlin, Patrick, and Matt host this engaging and free-flowing podcast where their chemistry and banter are distilled from a shared history from nearly 20 years ago. Each episode, they revisit former favorites, cult curiosities, and cultural trash alike, providing funny and insightful commentary.

Whether you’re a seasoned cinephile or just starting your journey into the world of cinema, these podcasts offer a wealth of knowledge, insights, and entertainment. We hope this list helps you on your way to find your new favorite film!